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Paneer paratha

Mais qu'est-ce que c'est exactement le Paneer paratha | quantum-isoraka.com

Hello everyone! Today, I would like to share with you a very easy and delicious Indian recipe: parathas. These are Indian flatbreads stuffed with fresh cheese and spices, which can be enjoyed with a yogurt or tamarind sauce. They are flaky flatbreads that can be filled with vegetables, cheese, or meat, or simply enjoyed plain with yogurt or chutney. Parathas are very popular in India, especially for breakfast or as a snack. They are also very economical and require only a few basic ingredients. But what exactly is paneer paratha? Paneer paratha is a type of Indian pancake filled with Indian cheese called paneer. Paneer is a fresh, unripened cheese that resembles ricotta or cottage cheese. It is widely used in Indian cuisine, especially in vegetarian dishes. On the other hand, paratha is a flatbread made from whole wheat flour, water, and salt. It is cooked on a griddle with a little ghee (clarified butter) or vegetable oil. There are several varieties of paratha, depending on the shape, size, and filling. In these paragraphs, we will explain how to easily prepare this Indian specialty at home, using simple and flavorful ingredients. Follow the guide and enjoy! What are the necessary ingredients? Ingredients (for 6 parathas): How to prepare the paratha dough? To make paneer paratha, you first need to prepare the paratha dough by combining the flour, water, and salt. Knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic, then let it rest for half an hour. Preparation: How to prepare the cheese filling?  The cheese filling is made with paneer, a fresh and mild Indian cheese that you can find in specialty stores or make yourself. Paneer pairs well with spices and herbs that add flavor to the filling. To make the naan dough, you need flour, yeast, yogurt, sugar, salt, and water. You can also add butter or ghee to make the dough softer. Simply mix all the ingredients in a bowl and knead the dough for about ten minutes. Then, cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rise for an hour in a warm place. Next, prepare the paneer filling by crumbling the cheese into a bowl. Add salt, pepper, cumin, garam masala, chopped coriander, and green chili to the bowl. Mix everything well. Divide the dough into equal-sized balls and roll them out into thin discs. Place a spoonful of the filling in the center of each disc, then fold the edges to form a ball. Gently flatten the ball and roll it out again into a thicker disc. Cook the parathas on a hot and oiled pan for a few minutes on each side until they turn golden and puff up. You can brush them with butter or ghee before serving. How to cook paneer parathas? Heat a pan over medium heat and cook the parathas on both sides, brushing them with ghee or oil. Serve them hot or warm, accompanied by plain yogurt or chutney. Heat a non-stick pan over medium-high heat and lightly oil it. Cook each paratha for about 2 minutes on each side, pressing lightly with a spatula to make the bread puff up. The parathas should be golden and crispy. Transfer them to a plate and keep them warm. How to serve paneer parathas? Here are some tips for serving parathas in a delicious and unique way. Choose a filling for your parathas. You can stuff them with cheese, vegetables, minced meat, dried fruits, or sugar. You can also leave them plain and brush them with butter or ghee after cooking. Prepare a sauce to accompany your parathas. You can opt for a spicy sauce like chutney, raita, curry, or dal. You can also choose a sweet sauce like honey, jam, maple syrup, or condensed milk. Arrange your parathas on a serving platter and keep them warm. You can stack them or fold them into quarters. You can also cut them into pieces and skewer them with toothpicks to serve them as appetizers. What are the benefits of paneer paratha? Paneer paratha offers several health benefits, including: