Category Archives: Northern Mediterranean

The Olives of the Mediterranean

Les Olives de la méditerrané |

Olives are an essential ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine. They bring taste, color, and nutritional benefits to numerous dishes. In this article, I invite you to discover the different varieties of olives, their preparation and preservation methods, as well as some recipe ideas to use them in your daily cooking. Olives are the fruits of the olive tree, a tree that thrives in warm and sunny regions. There are more than 2000 olive varieties worldwide, distinguished by their shape, size, color, and flavor. Olives can be green, black, or purple, depending on their level of ripeness and post-harvest treatment. Green olives are harvested before they fully ripen and preserved in brine (saltwater) to reduce bitterness. Black olives, on the other hand, are harvested when fully ripe and can be sun-dried, smoked, or marinated in oil or vinegar. Purple olives are a specific variety named after their natural color. Olives are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, particularly oleic acid, which helps reduce bad cholesterol and protects the cardiovascular system. They also contain antioxidants, vitamins (A, C, E), and minerals (iron, calcium, potassium). Thus, olives are a healthy and flavorful food, although they should be consumed in moderation as they are also relatively calorie-dense (approximately 150 kcal per 100g). Olives lend themselves to various culinary preparations. They can be enjoyed as they are for appetizers, infused with herbs, garlic, or chili. Olives can also be incorporated into salads, pizzas, quiches, tarts, or savory cakes. They complement well with cheese, fish, meat, or vegetables. They are also the base for tapenade, a paste made from crushed olives, capers, anchovies, and olive oil. Tapenade can be served on toast or used as a condiment to accompany grilled dishes or pasta. Here are some examples of olive-based recipes: The Olives of the Mediterranean: A Flavorful and Healthy Ingredient Mediterranean olives are grown in countries such as Spain, Italy, Greece, or Morocco. They come in several varieties, such as black, green, purple, or Kalamata olives. Each has its unique taste and texture, but they all share a richness in unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients contribute to protecting the cardiovascular system, reducing bad cholesterol, strengthening the immune system, and preventing cellular aging. Mediterranean olives are also highly versatile in cooking. They can be enjoyed as they are, as appetizers or in salads, or used to prepare sauces, tapenades, marinades, or slow-cooked dishes. They add a touch of flavor and color to all recipes. At the Quantum Isoraka restaurant, for instance, we use them to make our famous olive and goat cheese pizza, Greek salad with Kalamata olives and feta, or lamb tagine with olives and prunes. If you also love Mediterranean olives, don’t hesitate to come and taste them at the Quantum Isoraka restaurant or order them online. You can also follow our culinary blog to discover more recipes with olives and other flavorful and healthy ingredients.

Chocolate fondant, a northern Mediterranean delight at Quantum Isoraka

Fondant au Chocolat |

Hello to all foodies! Today, I invite you to discover a dish that will make you melt with pleasure: Fondant au Choco, a specialty of northern Mediterranean cuisine that you can taste at Quantum Isoraka, a restaurant that combines tradition and modernity in Antananarivo, Madagascar. Chocolate fondant, what is it? Fondant au Choco is a chocolate cake with a melting texture, as its name suggests. It is often high in sugar, egg and chocolate, and contains little flour. It is cooked slowly in the oven to caramelize the ingredients and obtain a runny centre. It is a very gourmet dessert, which goes perfectly with custard or a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Chocolate fondant, where does it come from? Fondant au Choco originates from the Mediterranean basin, where chocolate arrived in the 16th century thanks to the Spanish conquistadors. It was adopted by the Maghreb countries, which brought their own touch by using clarified butter (or smen) and spices such as cinnamon or cardamom. The Choco Fondant has thus become a symbol of the friendliness and generosity of Muslim culture, which always respects the principle of halal for meats. Chocolate Fondant, how to prepare it? To prepare a Chocolate Fondant worthy of the name, you will need: The recipe is very simple: There you go, your Chocolate Fondant is ready! You can sprinkle it with icing sugar or cocoa powder to decorate it. Fondant au Choco, where to taste it? If you don’t feel like cooking, or if you want to discover other Mediterranean flavors, I strongly advise you to go to Quantum Isoraka, one of the best restaurants to taste Fondant au Choco in Antananarivo. The Quantum Isoraka is a unique place, which offers you a varied and refined cuisine, inspired by the culinary traditions of the Maghreb and India. Whether you are a fan of kebab, couscous, tajine or curry, you will find your happiness among the tasty and generous dishes of the chef. And to end on a high note, there’s nothing like a melting and gourmet chocolate fondant, accompanied by a scoop of vanilla ice cream or custard. The Quantum Isoraka is also a friendly and warm place, where you can enjoy an unusual and exotic atmosphere. The decor is both modern and oriental, with bright colors and geometric patterns. The staff is attentive, always smiling and attentive to your needs. And if you want to prolong the evening, you can go to the lounge bar, where original cocktails and good sound await you. Do not hesitate any longer, come and discover the Quantum Isoraka, one of the best restaurants to taste Fondant au Choco in Antananarivo. You will not regret it ! Telephone contact: 038 03 888 03 and 038 03 888 04

Royal couscous, Kabyle style

couscous royal kabyle |

Hello everyone! Today, I’m going to share with you my recipe for Kabyle-style royal couscous, a delicious and hearty dish that will delight your taste buds. Royal couscous is a variation of the traditional couscous that consists of several meats (lamb, chicken, merguez) and various vegetables (carrots, zucchini, turnips, chickpeas). Kabyle-style royal couscous is an Algerian variation of the famous couscous dish. It originates from the Kabylie region and is often prepared for special occasions or celebrations. The uniqueness of the Kabyle version is the addition of raisins and caramelized onions, which add a delicious sweet and savory touch. Here’s a recipe to prepare this delicious dish: Ingredients for Kabyle-style royal couscous: Instructions for preparing Kabyle-style royal couscous: The difference between Kabyle and Moroccan couscous: Kabyle couscous and Moroccan couscous are two distinct variations of the famous couscous dish, originating from different regions in North Africa. Here are the main differences between Kabyle and Moroccan couscous: Ultimately, both dishes are delicious and offer unique variations. The choice of ingredients and spices may vary based on the season, region, and personal preference. What about Tunisian couscous then? Tunisian couscous is another delicious variation of the couscous dish originating from Tunisia. While Tunisian couscous shares some similarities with Kabyle and Moroccan versions, it also has distinctive features that set it apart from other types of couscous. Here are some characteristics of Tunisian couscous: Ultimately, Tunisian couscous is a delicious and unique dish that deserves to be tasted and enjoyed. The ingredients, spices, and cooking techniques used in its preparation create a flavorful and textured dish with an attractive and appetizing presentation. Bon appétit!

The bell pepper

Le poivron |

Do you like bell peppers? You’re right, because these colorful and flavorful vegetables are also true allies for your health. Discover in this article how bell pepper can benefit you, how to use it in cooking, and where to enjoy it in an exceptional setting. Bell pepper, a powerhouse of vitamins and antioxidants  Bell pepper is a champion in vitamin C content. Just behind parsley, it surpasses cabbage and spinach, which are also well-endowed. 100g of bell pepper provides an average of 126mg of vitamin C, so a small portion of only 50g can cover 75% of the recommended daily intake. The vitamin C content increases as the bell pepper ripens and is almost twice as high in red peppers compared to green ones that have not reached their full maturity. Vitamin C has antioxidant properties, meaning it protects the body’s cells against damage caused by free radicals, unstable molecules that can promote premature aging and certain chronic diseases. Vitamin C also strengthens the immune system, promotes wound healing, and facilitates the absorption of plant-based iron. But bell pepper doesn’t just offer you vitamin C. It also contains other antioxidants such as carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin) and flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol). These substances help prevent cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and age-related vision disorders. Bell pepper is also a good source of dietary fiber, especially soluble fiber. Dietary fiber is important for digestion and digestive health as it can help maintain intestinal regularity, promote satiety, and regulate blood sugar levels. Finally, bell pepper provides essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron, and copper, as well as B-group vitamins, including vitamin B6 and folic acid. Bell pepper, a versatile and delicious ingredient Bell pepper comes in several colors (green, red, yellow, orange, purple…) and varieties (sweet, hot, horn-shaped…). It can be consumed raw or cooked, according to your preferences and recipes. Raw, it adds crunchiness and freshness to your salads, sandwiches, or dips. You can cut it into strips, cubes, or slices and season it with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper. You can also blend it with cream cheese, yogurt, or tahini to make a creamy spread or dip. Cooked, it reveals its full flavor and sweetness. You can roast it in the oven or sauté it in a pan with a little olive oil and herbs. You can also stuff it with minced meat, rice, or quinoa and bake it in the oven with cheese. You can also add it to soups, ratatouilles, or curries to add color and flavor. Bell pepper pairs well with other vegetables (tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini…), as well as with fruits (mango, pineapple…), cheeses (feta, mozzarella…), and spices (paprika). However, there is no specific reference in the provided search results indicating this precise combination. Nevertheless, the idea of combining sweet fruits with bell pepper can create an interesting flavor contrast. Regarding cheese pairings, bell pepper can be accompanied by cheeses such as feta and mozzarella, depending on your preference. Unfortunately, the search results do not provide specific information about these associations. In conclusion, bell pepper can be successfully combined with various vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplants, and zucchini. Although there are no specific references for associations with fruits and cheeses, bell pepper can be combined with fruits such as mango and pineapple, as well as with cheeses like feta and mozzarella, to create interesting flavor combinations. Additionally, the spice paprika pairs well with bell pepper. Come quickly and discover bell pepper in all its forms at Quantum Isoraka! We invite you to come and savor this delicious and colorful vegetable at Quantum Isoraka, one of the best restaurants to explore bell pepper-based dishes in Antananarivo, Madagascar. At Quantum Isoraka, you will enjoy a friendly atmosphere and a unique ambiance, with attentive staff, talented chefs, and great music at the lounge bar. Whether it’s a family meal, a gathering with friends, or a romantic outing, you will find happiness at Quantum Isoraka. The restaurant can also accommodate events such as weddings, baptisms, birthdays, or any other special occasion. You can reserve the basement room 007, equipped with a connected high-definition television and internet. Feel free to contact Quantum Isoraka at 038 03 888 03 or 038 03 888 04 to book your table or room.

Mediterranean cuisine

magret de canard et brochette mariné |

If you love Mediterranean cuisine but want to try something different from the classic couscous, tagines, or pizzas, no problem! I invite you to discover some typical dishes from the northern Mediterranean that will make you travel and tantalize your taste buds. If you enjoy meat, you’ll adore these typical dishes from Madagascar and France. France In France, the southwest is renowned for its magret de canard, a fatty duck breast that comes from the force-feeding of geese and ducks for foie gras. The magret is cooked in a pan or in the oven and is served pink, with a wine, honey, or fruit sauce. It pairs beautifully with pommes sarladaises, potatoes cooked in duck fat with garlic and parsley, or with a green bean and walnut salad.In Madagascar, zebu meat is highly appreciated and consumed in various forms. Zebu entrecote is a tender and flavorful cut. It can be grilled or cooked in a sauce with vegetables. Zebu carpaccio is one of our specialties, consisting of thinly sliced meat seasoned with lemon, olive oil, salt, and pepper. It is a fresh and light dish served as an appetizer or main course with a green salad. Zebu is the most consumed meat and can be found in various forms. Zebu entrecote is cooked in a pan or on the grill and is enjoyed with a sauce of choice: pepper, tomato, or ibiza (a spicy sauce made with chili peppers). It is often accompanied by pickled vegetables (carrots, cabbage, cucumbers), rice, fries, potatoes, vegetables, or pasta. Another Malagasy specialty is masikita, zebu skewers marinated in a mixture of garlic, ginger, soy sauce, tomato paste, oil, and fruit juice or rum. They are grilled over charcoal and served with a voanjo sauce, a peanut sauce prepared with tomatoes, onions, ginger, and chili.The unmissable Belgian-style steak frites is a classic that pleases everyone. Simply cook the steak to your liking (rare, medium, or well-done) and serve it with crispy and golden fries, prepared by cutting potatoes into batons and frying them twice in hot oil. Whether it’s magret de canard or zebu skewers, these dishes are a delight for the taste buds and guarantee a culinary journey. Spain Spain has many culinary surprises, such as its famous paella. This delicious dish comes from Valencia and combines rice, saffron, chicken, rabbit, seafood, vegetables, and sometimes chorizo. It is prepared in a large pan called a paellera, over a wood fire or gas. Paella is a warm and colorful dish that is enjoyed with family or friends. Greece Next, we head to Greece and its delicious moussaka. It is a gratin made with eggplants, minced lamb or beef, tomatoes, onions, and béchamel sauce. Moussaka is prepared in advance and reheated in the oven before serving. It is enjoyed with a green salad or a yogurt sauce. Italy Finally, let’s conclude our culinary tour with Italy and its famous spaghetti Bolognese. This popular dish consists of long, thin pasta noodles topped with a sauce made from minced beef or pork, tomatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, celery, and aromatic herbs. Spaghetti Bolognese is generously sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese and savored with a glass of red wine. I hope you enjoyed this text and that it has made you eager to taste these northern Mediterranean dishes. Bon appétit!

Greek Moussaka

Moussaka à la grecque |

If you’re looking for a flavorful, generous, and typical Mediterranean dish, look no further than Greek moussaka. Greek moussaka is a traditional dish composed of layers of halal minced meat, tomato sauce, eggplant, and béchamel sauce, all baked to perfection. It is a delight for the taste buds and an ideal dish to share with family or friends. Greek moussaka has its origins in Middle Eastern and Balkan cuisines, where it was prepared with different types of meat, vegetables, and sauces. The current Greek version dates back to the early 20th century when chef Nikolaos Tselementes introduced béchamel sauce to the recipe. Since then, Greek moussaka has become a symbol of Hellenic gastronomy and a dish enjoyed by both Muslims and Christians. To make a truly authentic Greek moussaka, you will need the following ingredients: halal minced meat (beef or lamb), eggplants, tomatoes, onions, garlic, parsley, oregano, cinnamon, salt, pepper, butter, flour, milk, and grated cheese. The recipe is not overly complicated but requires a bit of time and patience. Here are the steps to follow: Now you are ready to enjoy a delicious Greek moussaka as if you were at Quantum Isoraka, one of the best restaurants to savor this dish in Antananarivo, Madagascar. Quantum Isoraka welcomes you in a friendly and unusual setting. You can enjoy a warm atmosphere, attentive staff, and exquisite cuisine. Whether you’re a fan of kebab, couscous, chawarma, or tajine, or if you prefer Indian cuisine with its curries, naans, and samosas, you will find something to satisfy your cravings at Quantum Isoraka. Not to mention the lounge bar where you can sip a cocktail while enjoying good music. Quantum Isoraka can also accommodate your events such as weddings, baptisms, birthdays, or simply get-togethers. You can take advantage of the basement’s “007” room, equipped with a high-definition television and internet connectivity. Feel free to contact Quantum Isoraka at 038 03 888 03 or 038 03 888 04 to reserve your table or room. You won’t regret it!

Halal cuisine

La Cuisine Halal |

Halal cuisine is an important aspect of Islamic culture. The term “halal” means “permissible” in Arabic, and it is used to describe foods and drinks that are allowed according to the principles of Islam. Halal food is prepared in accordance with religious standards, which include restrictions on the types of animals that can be consumed, the way they are slaughtered, and how ingredients are prepared. The word “halal” means “lawful” in Arabic. Halal cuisine is a culinary practice that adheres to the principles of Islam, the religion of Muslims. The word “halal” refers to foods and drinks that are in accordance with Islamic rules. Halal cuisine is an essential element of the culture and identity of Muslims, who represent an important part of the identity of Quantum Isoraka, a certified halal gourmet restaurant. For food to be halal, it must meet several criteria. Firstly, it must not come from a prohibited source, such as pork, wild animals, carrion, or animals sacrificed to other deities than God. The rules of halal cuisine are based on the Quran The sacred book of Islam, as well as the traditions and teachings of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam. According to these rules, halal foods and drinks must be prepared and consumed in a way that does not harm the health, dignity, or spirituality of individuals. The dhabiha (Arabic: ذَبِيْحَة, dhabīḥah) method is used for the slaughter of animals that can be consumed. This method involves slaughtering the animal with a sharp blade in one swift motion while pronouncing the name of God. The purpose of this specific and well-regulated practice, called “dhabihah,” is to minimize the suffering of the animal and to drain its blood, which is considered impure. Finally, it must not be mixed or contaminated with non-halal ingredients, such as alcohol, gelatin, or animal fat. Animals that cannot be consumed include pork, carnivorous animals, birds of prey, and animals that died before slaughter. Alcohol-based products are also prohibited, as they are considered harmful to health. Ingredients used in halal cuisine must be clearly identified and should not contain any forbidden ingredients. The gourmet restaurant at Quantum Isoraka offers a diverse and original menu of halal specialties. The halal cuisine reflects the cultural and geographical influences of different regions covered by the Quantum Isoraka’s cuisine. The menu includes dishes with meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, grains, spices, and dairy products. The gourmet restaurant at Quantum Isoraka offers a varied and unique menu of halal specialties inspired by Lebanese, Turkish, Algerian, and French cuisines. You can enjoy couscous, including the famous Kabyle-style royal couscous, tagines, kebabs, salads, soups, oriental pastries, and many other delights. The restaurant also has a cocktail bar, a jazz bar, and a private room for events. The setting is luxurious, the service is impeccable, and the prices are reasonable. Whether you are looking for a friendly meal, a romantic dinner, or a festive evening, the gourmet restaurant at Quantum Isoraka will satisfy you and take you on a journey through the flavors of the halal world. Halal cuisine is also rich in flavors and colors, and it is appreciated by many non-Muslims who consider it healthy and delicious.

Discover the flavors of Mediterranean cuisine from the South and the North.

Les clés pour promouvoir votre restaurant |

Mediterranean cuisine, particularly Algerian cuisine, and its importance in the global culinary scene. Mediterranean cuisine is characterized by a wide variety of dishes made from fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, olives, olive oil, fish, and seafood. The dishes are often seasoned with spices, herbs, garlic, and onion, and are considered healthy due to their low saturated fat content. Hospitality and shared meals are also important features of Mediterranean culinary culture. The Mediterranean region has played a significant role in the history of cuisine, exporting many ingredients and culinary techniques worldwide, influencing numerous other cuisines and giving rise to new dishes. The text also explores some of the most well-known culinary specialties from the South of the Mediterranean, such as couscous, legumes, aromatic herbs, and dried fruits, as well as spices like cumin, cinnamon, and saffron. Immerse yourself in a unique culinary journey and discover the exquisite flavors of the Mediterranean! Let yourself be seduced by the richness of Algerian cuisine, renowned for its wide variety of flavorful dishes abundant in spices and aromas. Whether you’re a fan of couscous, chorba, tajine, brik, Merguez, or Chakchouka, our Mediterranean restaurant inspired by Algerian cuisine promises you an unforgettable gastronomic experience. 1 Introduction to Mediterranean Cuisine  Mediterranean cuisine is a cuisine that originated in countries around the Mediterranean Sea. It is characterized by a wide variety of dishes and ingredients, as well as a strong influence from the region’s culture and history. The staple foods of Mediterranean cuisine are fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, olives and olive oil, as well as fish and seafood. The dishes are often seasoned with spices, herbs, garlic, and onion. Mediterranean cuisine is also characterized by a moderate use of red meat and dairy products, and a preference for protein sources such as nuts, seeds, and legumes. This cuisine is considered healthy due to its nutrient-rich nature, low saturated fat content, and use of olive oil, which is considered beneficial for cardiovascular health. Mediterranean cuisine is also marked by a strong emphasis on conviviality and shared meals. Meals are often enjoyed with family or friends and are an opportunity to spend time together and share stories and traditions. Importance of the Region in Global Cuisine The Mediterranean region is considered one of the cradles of human civilization, and it is no wonder that it has also played a significant role in the history of cuisine. The region’s ingredients and culinary techniques have been exported worldwide, influencing many other cuisines and giving birth to new dishes. For example, the use of olive oil and aromatic herbs in Mediterranean cuisine has had a significant impact on European cuisine, especially Italian and French cuisine. Similarly, the presence of products such as citrus fruits, dates, and spices in Mediterranean cuisine has influenced North African and Middle Eastern cuisine. Mediterranean cuisine has also inspired many famous chefs and cooks who have adapted and modernized the region’s techniques and ingredients to create new dishes. This influence is particularly evident in fusion cuisines, where Mediterranean ingredients and techniques are combined with elements from other cuisines to create new flavors and culinary experiences. Furthermore, Mediterranean cuisine is often associated with a healthy and balanced lifestyle, making it a popular choice for those seeking to adopt a healthier diet. Many countries in the region have lower rates of heart disease and cancer than other countries, leading scientists to study the benefits of Mediterranean cuisine for health. 2 Flavors of the South Mediterranean A region known for its delicious and diverse cuisine, this geographical area encompasses countries such as Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya, all of which have rich culinary traditions with a wide range of spices, flavors, and traditional ingredients. South Mediterranean dishes are often prepared using local ingredients like couscous, legumes, aromatic herbs, and dried fruits, as well as spices such as cumin, cinnamon, and saffron. In this paragraph, we will explore some of the most well-known culinary specialties from this region, along with the key ingredients that give them their distinctive flavor and unique character. • Arab and North African Influences Mediterranean cuisine is the result of many influences, including those from Arabs and North Africans. Invasions and trade exchanges between Mediterranean countries have allowed the transmission of culinary techniques and recipes, spreading from the Iberian Peninsula to Turkey, passing through the Maghreb and the Middle East. Arabs introduced numerous ingredients and spices to Mediterranean cuisine, such as cumin, coriander, cinnamon, and saffron. They also brought the use of lamb and mutton, as well as sauces made with yogurt and tahini. Additionally, the use of phyllo pastry in both sweet and savory dishes, such as baklava and börek, also has Arab origins. North Africans have also made significant contributions to Mediterranean cuisine by introducing ingredients like couscous, tagine, and ras el hanout, a spice blend used in many dishes. North African dishes are also characterized by the use of aromatic herbs like thyme, mint, and parsley, as well as dried fruits like raisins and figs. Arab and North African influences can be seen in many Mediterranean dishes. For example, Moroccan tagine is a slow-cooked dish made with meat, vegetables, and dried fruits, typically prepared in a clay pot. Couscous, originating from North Africa, is often served with vegetables, meat, or fish and is seasoned with cumin and coriander. Eastern pastries like baklava and Turkish delights are also highly popular in Mediterranean cuisine. • Use of Olive Oil, Tomatoes, and Eggplants Olive oil, tomatoes, and eggplants are iconic ingredients in Mediterranean cuisine, widely used in numerous dishes and recipes. Olive oil is a crucial source of fat in Mediterranean cuisine. It is used for cooking, frying, marinating, dressing, and even in baking. Olive oil is appreciated for its fruity flavor, intense aroma, and health benefits, as it is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. It is also used to infuse flavors into dishes by infusing herbs and spices into the oil. Tomatoes are also extensively used in Mediterranean cuisine, particularly in Italian cuisine. Tomatoes are […]

The Sheep

Le Mouton |

Sheep meat is a highly appreciated food in Mediterranean cuisine, especially in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Turkey. It is prepared in different ways, according to the regions and traditions. Hello everyone! Today, I’m going to talk to you about my passion for sheep meat. You know, that tender and flavorful meat that pairs so well with spices and herbs. Sheep meat is a source of protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. It also provides essential fatty acids like omega-3, which have beneficial effects on cardiovascular health and the nervous system. Therefore, sheep meat is a delicious and nutritious dish that can add variety to your table. It is also very easy to cook and can be adapted to different tastes and occasions. Halal Meat par excellence Sheep meat is the epitome of halal meat as it adheres to Islamic slaughter rules. To be halal, the sheep must be slaughtered with a sharp knife while pronouncing the name of God and be completely bled out. Halal sheep meat is valued for its tenderness, flavor, and high protein content. It can be cooked in various ways, such as in couscous, tagines, or grilled dishes. Sheep meat is a common ingredient in Mediterranean and Indian cuisine. It lends itself to numerous preparations in Mediterranean cuisine, such as kebabs, tagines, curries, or stews in Indian cuisine, which have their own benefits. Sheep meat has a pronounced flavor and pairs well with spices, herbs, and dried fruits. Here are a few recipe ideas to cook sheep meat in the Mediterranean or Indian style. •          Greek-style Sheep Kebabs: Marinate cubes of sheep meat in yogurt, lemon juice, garlic, oregano, and salt. Thread them onto skewers, alternating with pieces of bell pepper, onion, and tomato. Grill them on a barbecue or in the oven and serve with tzatziki and pita bread. •          Sheep Tagine with Prunes: Sear pieces of sheep meat in a casserole dish with olive oil, sliced onions, ginger, turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, saffron, and salt. Add enough water to cover and simmer covered for an hour. Add pitted prunes and continue cooking for 15 minutes. Sprinkle with toasted almonds and chopped coriander before serving. Indian cuisine is not far behind When it comes to sheep meat, Indian cuisine has its fair share. It offers flavorful and spicy dishes such as rogan josh, biryani, and the famous lamb curry that follows. But beware, if you’re not used to chili, you might end up with a burning mouth and teary eyes. Fortunately, there’s always rice and naan bread to cool things down. Indian-style Sheep Curry: Brown pieces of sheep meat in a pan with vegetable oil, salt, and pepper. Set them aside. In the same pan, sauté chopped onions, crushed garlic, grated ginger, minced green chili, curry powder, garam masala, and salt. Add crushed tomatoes and a little water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and add the sheep meat. Cover and simmer for an hour or until the meat is tender. Add fresh cream and chopped coriander before serving with basmati rice or naan bread. Northern Mediterranean cuisine Mutton lends itself to many recipes, from stews and kebabs to tajines and couscous. Personally, I love to prepare it as a leg of lamb in the oven, with potatoes, thyme and garlic. It’s a convivial, generous dish that warms the heart and the taste buds. Here’s my secret recipe: – Preheat oven to 180°C. – Make slits in the leg of lamb and slide in peeled garlic cloves. – Brush the leg with olive oil and sprinkle with salt, pepper and thyme. – Place the leg in a large ovenproof dish and surround it with quartered potatoes. – Sprinkle with a little water and place in the oven for 1h30 to 2h, basting regularly with the cooking juices. – When the leg is golden brown and the meat tender, remove it from the oven and let it rest for 10 minutes under aluminum foil. – Serve with a green salad or yaourt sauce. And that’s it! You’ve got plenty of ideas for delicious meals to share with friends and family. Mutton really is a gourmet’s delight. I hope you’ve enjoyed this recipe and will give it a try at home. Don’t hesitate to leave me your comments and suggestions. See you soon!

Olive Oil

Huile d'olive |

Hello to all the readers of the culinary blog of the Quantum Isoraka restaurant! Today, I’m going to talk to you about an ingredient that I use a lot in my cooking: olive oil. You will discover why this vegetable oil is an excellent ally for preparing tasty and healthy dishes, and how to choose and use it to its best advantage. I will also share some recipe ideas inspired by Mediterranean, Indian, and Southern European cuisine that showcase the qualities of olive oil. What is olive oil? What are the advantages of olive oil in cooking? How to choose and use olive oil? Some recipe ideas using olive oil What is olive oil? Olive oil is a vegetable oil obtained from pressing olives, the fruits of the olive tree. This tree has been cultivated for millennia in the countries of the Mediterranean basin, as well as in India and certain regions of Southern Europe. There are numerous varieties of olives, which yield olive oils with different flavors and colors. Olive oil is divided into three main categories based on the extraction method and quality: What are the advantages of olive oil in cooking? Olive oil is a highly appreciated ingredient in cooking because it adds flavor and texture to dishes. It can be used both raw and cooked to season salads, vegetables, pasta, rice, fish, meat, or even desserts. Olive oil is also known for its health benefits. It is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (omega-9), which help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). It also contains antioxidants (polyphenols, vitamin E) that protect cells from aging and cardiovascular diseases. It also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Olive oil is an integral part of the Mediterranean diet, considered one of the healthiest in the world. This diet emphasizes the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish, fermented dairy products, and a small amount of red meat. It is associated with a reduced risk of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and certain cancers. How to choose and use olive oil? To fully enjoy the qualities of olive oil, it is important to know how to choose and use it correctly. Here are some tips: Here are some recipe ideas using olive oil: Greek salad Mix tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, black olives, and feta cheese, all cut into pieces. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice. Season with salt, pepper, and sprinkle dried oregano. Tandoori chicken Marinate chicken pieces in a mixture of plain yogurt, lemon juice, olive oil, tandoori paste (or curry), crushed garlic, grated ginger, salt, and pepper for at least two hours in the refrigerator. Cook the chicken in the oven or on the barbecue, basting regularly with the marinade. Serve with basmati rice and naan bread. Ratatouille Sauté sliced onions, diced eggplants, and zucchini in a large pan with a little olive oil. Add peeled and crushed tomatoes, thyme, bay leaf, salt, and pepper. Simmer over low heat for about 45 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve hot or cold with toasted bread or rice. Paella Heat some olive oil in a large pan or casserole. Brown pieces of chicken, rabbit, or pork. Add chopped onions, crushed garlic, paprika, saffron, salt, and pepper. Pour in chicken or vegetable broth and bring to a boil. Add round-grain rice and mix well. Reduce the heat, cover, and let cook for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add cleaned mussels, peeled shrimp, sliced squid, and frozen peas. Continue cooking until the rice is tender and the mussels have opened. Garnish with lemon wedges and chopped parsley. A cake A cake with olive oil is an original and flavorful recipe that allows you to create a moist and fragrant dessert. Olive oil adds a fruity touch and a melting texture to the cake while making it lighter than if using butter. To prepare this cake, you will need: 4 eggs 200g of sugar 200g of flour 1 packet of baking powder 150ml of olive oil The zest and juice of one lemon Preheat the oven to 180°C. In a bowl, whisk the eggs with the sugar until the mixture turns pale. Add the flour, baking powder, olive oil, lemon zest, and juice. Mix well to obtain a smooth batter. Pour the batter into a greased and floured cake pan. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes until the cake is golden and a knife inserted into the center comes out clean. Allow the cake to cool on a wire rack before removing it from the pan. You can enjoy it as it is or drizzle it with a lemon glaze. In conclusion, olive oil is a food with multiple benefits for health, beauty, and cooking. It contains unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help prevent cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and aging. It can also be used as a natural treatment for the skin, hair, and nails. Finally, it adds flavor and freshness to many Mediterranean or exotic dishes. There is a wide variety of olive oils available, depending on their origin, production method, and taste. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose and store them to fully enjoy their qualities. We hope this article has allowed you to learn more about this exceptional product and that you will not hesitate to incorporate it into your daily diet.